
Saturday, November 3, 2018


Meet the Authors



I'm an Australian Indie Erotica/Romance Author who absolutely loves to write. on a good day, I an get out a 10k word short erotica piece, so long as my hubby doesn't disturb me... ;) I've always loved Science Fiction and fantasy, but I'm also branching out into contemporary romance/erotica. I've got plenty of stories to come out soon, please keep an eye out for new releases!




Hi my name is Kay Maree and I'm a wife, mother of 3 and I love to write Instant Love with twists and turns with a bit of suspense thrown in. My debut novel is called Angel Mine and was released in early 2017. I live in Newcastle, on the New South Wales coast of Australia with my husband and three beautiful children. Between being a taxi for my children, and working full-time, I somehow find the time to write. It's something I love with a passion and with the encouragement of my very supportive husband, I have accomplished one of my dreams - releasing my first novel. I hope you fall in love with my characters as much as I have. I love reading and getting lost in a good book when I manage to snatch five minutes to myself.



Aleisha Maree is a writer of contemporary romance with a dark erotic sexy side with a paranormal twist. Aleisha also writes an MC Series with MMA flair. She doesn't let genre walls hold her back. Aleisha is from a small village called Wakefield in the South Island of New Zealand. She is a mum of 6 whom she loves more than breathing and she is married to the love of her life. Aleisha invites you into her mind full of stories and on the journeys, they will take you on.


About the Books


BROOKLYN - I’m scared but I have to be strong not just for me but for my beautiful daughter. After years of being emotionally and physically abused it needed to end. I always wanted a love like the fairy tales I was told as a child, a love like my parents had, but after escaping hell I lost all hope. Trusting another man and falling in love was now the last thing on my mind, making it through everyday was now the new goal for my daughter and me. Then everything changed the day I looked into the most captivating green eyes I have ever seen, it was like they saw into my very soul. And I knew nothing would ever be the same again. 

DOMININC - I was brought up in a dangerous world, a world I had to quickly become accustomed to. It took my brothers death and the events that unfolded after that lead me to be the man I am today a Mob Boss. One of the most powerful man in Newcastle, I’m not a good guy, I have done bad things. I closed my true self off the day I failed to protect the one person I loved dearly, and she paid the ultimate price. But one look into those ocean blue eyes and I felt my whole purpose in life shift, I didn’t deserve her but I was going to make her Mine. I had finally found the missing pieces to my heart I didn’t know I was missing and I wasn’t letting them go... Angel: “I WANTED TO BE THE LAST THING HE TASTED AT NIGHT, AND THE FIRST THING HE TOUCHED IN THE MORNING” Dom: “SHE BROUGHT ME TO MY KNEES, AND I NEVER WANTED TO GET BACK UP”



My life was like some psychotic mutant cross breed of Notting Hill and Bridget Jones’s Diary. I worked in a second-hand bookstore and I was a blonde British girl trying to find the love of my life. The only difference was, I had no handsome(ish) Brits after my pudgy British arse, I didn’t smoke like a chimney, but on occasion I did drink like a fish. and yes, my mother did like to send me her off cast clothing that looked like they were right out of the nineteen-forties. Oh, and I lived in L.A. Movie capital of the world. It took a twisted turn, however, the day my gay roommate managed to convince me that going in to a movie studio for Extras Casting was a good idea. If I had known what my life would be like after that fateful day, I would have told him to sod off and cut his bollocks off for dragging my arse out the door.



Luca walked out of her life leaving Luna with a broken heart and at the mercy of a ruthless father. When he returns, he doesn't find the shy, nervous girl he left, in her place is a woman, a confident Mafia Boss. Can Luna forgive Luca for leaving her at a time when she needed him the most? Will she risk having her heart broken all over again? And, how does Christmas piece the puzzle together?


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Wolf's Challenge by Christina Lynn Lambert / New Release

Presents : New Release

Wolf's Challenge
by Christina Lynn Lambert

Genre: Paranormal Romance

When Sydney left Seattle two years ago, she was scared, traumatized, and done with men for good. Now she has a good job, a hobby that's fast becoming a second career, and best of all, she's adopted a little girl named Angel. Life is good and Sydney's not about to let charming lawyer Derrick mess that up, no matter how sexy he is, or how sweet he seems. 

Things aren't always as they appear in the town of Great Oaks, Virginia. Derrick isn't the ladies' man Sydney thinks he is, but he does have a few secrets, such as the ability to transform into a powerful wolf at will.

Can Derrick convince Sydney to give him a chance, something more than her elusive maybe? More importantly, should he? He's still trying to forgive himself for being at the wheel during the accident that killed his son. Losing Sydney when she learns the truth might break him, but he's pretty sure not having her in his life would be just as bad.

A troubled woman running from her guilty conscience has Sydney and Derrick in her crosshairs, and she'll do whatever it takes to win her game. Will Sydney and Derrick survive long enough to be together?

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About the Author

A few years ago, I read my first romance novel and I was hooked, so much so that I decided to give the idea of writing a story a chance. My style is more gritty than sweet and I look forward to writing many more stories with strong heroines and imperfect but determined characters. Love, courage, hope, and second chances are a few of my favorite themes. When I'm not writing, I enjoy spending time outside and finding ways to avoid cooking. I live in beautiful Virginia with my husband, two daughters, and a sweet, hairy monster of a dog.

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BLOG TOUR: Dead in the Pond by Dahlia Donovan

Author: Dahlia Donovan
Title: Dead in the Pond
Series: The Grasmere Cottage Mystery Trilogy, #2
Genre: Gay Romantic Cosy Mystery
Release Date: October 13, 2018
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: Claire Smith
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Join bestselling author Dahlia Donovan on a cosy mystery adventure in Grasmere Cottage Mystery book two. With love, wit, and a murder to solve, life for Valor and Bishan continues to be blinkin' complicated in this sweet gay romance.

Killer on the loose? Check.

Frogs in the garden? Check.

Playing a twisted game with a killer? Not good.

Bishan Tamboli struggles to recover from his false arrest. He worries the police still aren’t as convinced about his innocence. With his longtime boyfriend, Valor, at his side, he intends to solve the puzzles and catch the murderer amongst their former schoolmates.

He’s fought hard for his independence as an autistic and refuses to throw it all away because of a nameless monster. With friends and family in the killer’s crosshairs, Bishan fears the mystery will bring the end of everything and everyone he loves.

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“Might need about three more cups of tea before any of this makes any sense to me.” Valor rested his head on Bishan’s shoulder briefly. “I am so glad you’re home.”
Everyone aside from Valor had been decidedly odd since Bishan’s release from jail. He didn’t like it. At all. Why couldn’t their lives return to business as usual?
Well, probably not business as usual exactly.
Nothing could be quite normal after finding themselves smack dab in the midst of a mystery of the Poirot and Father Brown variety. The police had yet to figure out who’d begun the murderous campaign against former Harrovians; Bishan was only glad they’d stopped pursuing him for it.
He’d been freed from jail two days ago.
And sometimes it still felt as though he were there.
“It’s not an anagram,” Bishan insisted pedantically. And it wasn’t. The creepy murder messages left via bolded letters in old Harrow play programs might be puzzles, but they weren’t anagrams. “They’re not already formed into words that you have to unscramble.”
Valor had spread out the multiple not-anagrams across their kitchen table along with the two that had potentially been deciphered already. “So what are they?”
“Right.” Valor grabbed his cup for more tea. “Do you think they got the first two correct?”
Bishan glanced at the two supposedly decoded messages with a critical eye. They both seemed plausible in the context of the victims and assuming the perpetrator was indeed a former schoolmate of theirs. He found the “Shh” or “Sh” at the beginning to be odd.
Shh. Not so cleverly done. Time’s almost up. When the clock strikes one, whose name shall be crossed out?
Sh. The play has just begun. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Lord Byron is struck down. How many more to go?
“I’m not the killer. I don’t know.” Bishan picked up one of the programs yet to be deciphered. He wrote down each bolded letter at the top of a plain sheet of paper. “They seem threatening enough to be accurate.”
Valor plucked Staccato off the table and set the cat on his shoulder. “I know you’re not the killer, Bish.”
“I know you know.” Bishan couldn’t keep the slight sharpness out of his voice. He’d never doubted Valor’s belief in him.
Valor stretched a hand out to rest on Bishan’s shoulder. “I was agreeing.”
“Oh.” He deflated slightly. Non-autistics tended to agree by repeating what had been said, something he always found a bit confusing. “Of course.”

The Grasmere Cottage
Mystery Trilogy

Dead in the Garden (bk 1)
ONLY 99c

Dead in the Shop (bk 3)
ONLY 99c

Dahlia Donovan wrote her first romance series after a crazy dream about shifters and damsels in distress. She prefers irreverent humour and unconventional characters. An autistic and occasional hermit, her life wouldn’t be complete without her husband and her massive collection of books and video games.

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 Riding the Lines Submissions

Friday, November 2, 2018

COVER REVEAL: Christmas at the Clubhouse by Various Authors


Christmas at the Clubhouse 
Charity MC Anthology
Cover Reveal

Cover Designed Donated by The Final Wrap
Formatting by Ashley Wheels

Join 12 of your favorite MC authors as they bring you 11 inside look stories at how Christmas is done at their Clubhouse. ALL proceeds from this release will benefit Toys for Tots.


Badger's Christmas Chance by Aden Lowe
Badger considers life outside the Hell Raiders MC, but to get the woman he's always wanted, plus pecan pie, can he stay put?

Silver Belles by Avelyn Paige
The big day has finally arrived for Raze and Darcy. Everything is finally falling into place, but just before the wedding bells can ring, disaster strikes. Now, Darcy is between a rock and a hard place. She must choose between pure wedding bliss or no wedding at all. 

A Sinner's Christmas by Colbie Kay
Bam Bam thought this Christmas would be like every other year at the clubhouse until the door opens and the woman he could never have is pushed into his arms.

Santa...Nope The Grimm Wolves by D.M. Earl
When one of their own needs help will the club be able to pull together in time or will their efforts be too late?

A Bastard for Christmas by Emily Minton and Shelley Springfield
Mistletoe, presents, and decorations, it’s Christmas time again. Let’s gather around the tree and sing some carols. Screw that. We’re doing this biker style. Whiskey, women, and weed. It’s time to celebrate like a Bastard.

A Korrupted Christmas by Geri Glenn
Tease hates the holidays, but most of all Christmas. And now, with his club dealing with yet another catastrophe, he could do without it entirely. But that isn’t going to fly with Laynie. She’s determined to give her man a festive dose of Christmas spirit, whether he likes it or not.

A Forsaken Mistlehoe by JC Emery 
Tomorrow is Christmas, but I’m unwrapping my present tonight. Zander Strand is MC royalty and the love of my life. So what if he doesn’t know I exist? He doesn’t need my name to make this angel’s bells ring. I just hope he can get it in and I can get out before anybody realizes who I really am.

Savage Christmas by Kathleen Kelly
Can Dane find Kat the 'perfect' Christmas present? Or will all his efforts be in vain as his club, his kids and those closest to him foil all his hard work?

Steeling Christmas By K E Osborn
When a club girl vanishes, Steel and his brothers will do all they can to get her back, even delving into the life he thought he’d left behind. Can Steel keep his life in order or will he lose it all... just in time for Christmas?

Merry F’n Christmas by Kerri Ann
Christmas hasn't been a pleasant event in my life or the club. Oubliette--the tinsel terrorist--is trying to make Christmas great here in the Broken Bows. Will it kill me?

Most Rikki-Tik by MariaLisa DeMora
Kirby Westbrook came home from overseas with a mission, to resurrect his grandfather's MC.


PLEASE NOTE - Christmas at the Clubhouse will be live on all platforms for 7 days, before moving to Kindle Unlimited.

Want to get an e-mail when CATC releases? Sign-up here:

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COVER REVEAL - Let There Be Light by A.M. Johnson

Title: Let There Be Light
Series: Twin Hearts Duet #1
Author: A.M. Johnson
Genre: Coming-of-age/New Adult/MM
Cover Design: E. James Designs
Release Date: November 16, 2018


His world was water and rhythm.  Hard work and drive kept Royal O'Connell one step ahead of his competition. His spot on the swim team, keeping his scholarship, was the only plan that mattered.

His world was ebony and ivory. Natural talent and ambition set Camden Morgan apart from the other music majors. His dedication scoring him a full ride.

Normally, their paths would have never crossed….

But when Royal meets his best friend's new roommate, his big plan and Camden’s controlled environment faces a variable that could destroy it all.   


The world they live in had no room for error. That undeniable pull between them was dangerous and neither one of them could've prepared for the choice they'd have to make.

Love isn't always an easy road and, when everything they've worked for is on the line, they'll have to decide if being together is worth the risk.   

*This is not a traditional duet*
 *Not A Cliff Hanger*

Author Bio

Amanda lives in Utah with her family where she moonlights as a nurse on the weekends.
If she's not busy with her three munchkins, you'll find her buried in a book or behind the keyboard where she explores the human experience through the written word.
She's obsessed with all things Austen and Oreos, and loves to connect with readers!

Stay up to date by signing up for her newsletter here:

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COVER REVEAL - All the King's Horses by Kim Congram

Title: All the King's Horses
Series: Katura Chronicles #1
Author: Kim Congram
Genre: Women's Fiction/Action
Cover Design: Abigail Davies, Pink Elephant Designs
Release Date: November 15, 2018


There are three ways you become a Monarch
1. Born to it
2. Marry into the family
3. Take it

They stole it

And I had a choice: 
Fall into line, serve our new King, or fight.

My new motto?

It’s only treason if you lose.

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Location: Afghanistan

The afternoon sun shimmered against the horizon, heavy and ominous. Sunglasses cut through most of the glare, as sweat slid down the bridge of my nose. The heat of the day coupled with the lack of breeze had the marketplace stinking of rotten food.
Heartbeat elevated, stomach clenched, eyes narrowed—I was watchful. I kept reminding myself the monarch would only be in Afghanistan for less than forty-eight hours.
A lot could go wrong in forty-eight hours.
A car idling near the escort caught my attention. We were waiting for the monarch to finish his meeting with the newly elected president. I didn't like the position of the car.
"ALPHA One to CHARLIE Four, can you guys shift the white Toyota?"
"Roger, ALPHA One."
One minute. Two. No movement of the vehicle. My gut clenched. Something wasn't right.
The radio crackled. "ALPHA One, looks like a flat."
"Fuck." My eyes met Jack's before he looked back over at the car. I shifted my piece, using my free hand to click the radio. "CHARLIE, is it legit? What's the cargo?"
"Seems so. Just a bunch of fruit." Grover's voice was sarcastic in reply. I gritted my teeth. I couldn't wait till that little gnat went home.
My eyes flicked around the busy city centre, assessing. "CHARLIE, I need that vehicle moved in the next five. BETA team, start prepping secondary exit." I dropped my hand, turning to Jack. "This doesn't feel right."
"No." His face was grim as he watched the heaving mass of the market. "Something smells off." His smile was immediate. "Pun unintended."
I ignored him. "I'm going to raise the threat level." I raised my hand again to my equipment.
A voice crackled through the radio, halting my move. "Rose on the move."
 I hit the call button. "All teams be alert. Threat raised to Amber."
Jack fell into step beside me. "Secondary exit?"
I nodded, deciding it was a go. "I don’t like this."
I saw The Rose hit the exit, bodyguards flanking him. He had personal protection from Katura and some of our best on him, including Colonel Foster. There was no reason to feel this anxious.
I met the colonel's gaze as we started towards the entourage, my hand raising to signal our change of plans. He nodded, turning towards The Rose.
The red dot hovered for a brief moment on the king's chest.
"Get down!"

Author Bio

Kim Congram is a transplant to Australia’s capital, Canberra. Kim loves it for the food, the weather, the mountains and even the roundabouts.

She is a part-time writer, full-time worker bee and lover of all things romance. Kim lives with the hero of her own love story and their dachshund in their house full of books.

Author Links


RELEASE BLITZ - Lucky Little Lies by Josie Bordeaux

Title: Lucky Little Lies
Author: Josie Bordeaux
Genre: Standalone Romance
Release Date: November 1, 2018


One dinner.
One little lie.
Changed their lives forever.

One sinful night of passion with a nameless man cost me six months of rotten luck.
Now he’s back and asking for a favor.
Pretending to be his wife for one night should be simple enough.
After all, it’s just one little lie, right?
I know better than to help him out, but I can’t help myself. 
He makes me want to risk it all.  

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“So, Kira.” Celia drawled out my name from across the table. “How did you two meet?” she asked with a spark to her eyes as she waved her champagne glass between Brant and me.
Brant immediately stopped chatting. “Oh, uh,” both Brant and I said at the same time. I pressed my lips together and placed my hand on his. “I’ll let you tell them, sweetheart.” I’d never called anyone sweetheart in my life, but for some reason it felt right. And I received the heart-melting smiles of the wives around the table—except for Miranda whose smile was obviously so fake I would have assumed she had Botox injections right before dinner.
“Well,” Brant laughed nervously. “Um, I’ll tell just the highlights, but it really—”
“Oh, come on, we’re all friends here!” Sidney laughed with a spark to her eyes. The light caught her diamond engagement ring and instantly I panicked that I didn’t have one. Or a wedding band, for that matter. Under the table, I quickly removed the ring given to me for graduation by my grandmother and slipped it onto my left ring finger. Glancing over, I realized Brant didn’t have one either. I wasn’t sure what to do, or if he had come up for a reason for that. If I was wearing my grandmother’s ring, it would look strange for whatever reason he might come up with, so I quickly moved it back. 
Brant glanced at me and I couldn’t help but let out a small nervous laugh. What if they found out we didn’t even know each other’s names until the day before?
“It all started with red traffic lights,” Brant started as he gave me a small smile. It seemed cheesy, but that darn dimple reeled me in. My nervous energy somersaulted while my heart swooned. Instantly, I realized he was fantastic at commanding everyone’s attention at the table.
There was more than just small curiosity about what he would say. I wanted to know his version of what had happened that night. Where had he been going to begin with? Was he really that taken with me?
I knew I had been a one-night stand, but there was that instant—when I had left my phone number—that hope had swelled it might be more than just that between us. When I finally realized he wouldn’t be calling me back, any thoughts of something more with him had vanished from my mind. Well, to be honest, it hadn’t disappeared from my fantasies. Yet there I was pretending to be his wife.
Maybe instead of fighting the dinner, which was already happening, I should have actually been enjoying myself. I picked up my glass of champagne and took a healthy drink. The alcohol warmed my belly and I allowed myself to be swept up by the night and my new husband. My conscience had a gag around her mouth and was locked away in a closet. At least for the time being.
“Ohh this is going to be good,” Celia said as she shimmied her shoulders and sat up to listen.
“Well, it was late on a Friday night and I was hitting each and every light on Main Street. From the corner of my eye, I saw the woman in the car next to me take her top off,” Brant said as he looked at me and winked. My mouth popped open and I hoped he wasn’t going to tell them everything about our night.
Anna bumped my shoulder, her eyes wide as she laughed at Brant’s description. I shook my head, playing along.
“Ohh, the X-rated version!” Celia shouted, and took a drink from her glass. The men around the table were either laughing or their ears were perked up just as much as their wives’.
 I blushed and covered my face with my hands, laughing. I held up my hand. “I had a top on underneath,” I added in my defense.
Brant laughed as he smiled at me. “She did. It wasn’t much of a top, but from what I saw it was perfect.” The spark in his eye as he retold our story made everything tingle inside me.
I tilted my head, smiling, my heart melting all at the same time. I realized how sweet it all felt. How sharing “our” story, small as it was, was endearing. This part was not made up. This really was our story and I loved hearing him retell it, especially since I had replayed it in my mind so many times in the past six months.
“Anyway, she had shimmied out of her pants at one point and put something else on. I almost got into several accidents trying to see what I could.” Brant laughed and then continued. “I followed her—”
“Oh, now you sound like a stalker,” Anna joked, while winking at me.
Brant chuckled as he looked over to me, and I licked my lips, wanting to kiss that dimple of his. “Yeah, I kind of felt like one, actually. But you—” He pointed to me as his eyes sparkled, and then shook his head as he continued. “She did yell out the club she was going to.”
I nodded. “I did, so it was kind of my fault for enticing a stalker,” I joked as I took another drink of champagne, allowing the alcohol to help me enjoy the moment a little more. 
“Anyway, we danced all night and…the rest is history.” Brant leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. Everything inside me, especially the warmth of the champagne, made me want to turn my head and enjoy the sweetness of his lips on mine.
“I think we just got the G-rated version,” Sidney called out, looking around the table. The other couples laughed and agreed with her.
I chuckled and leaned against Brant. He wrapped his arm around me and then bent down. His lips touched mine enough to linger, and the feeling went straight through me. Right then I felt like I never wanted the night to end.

Praise for Lucky Little Lies

“A definite must read!” – Goodreads Review
“Had me hooked from beginning to end!” – Goodreads Review
“Great book to settle in with on a cozy day!” – Goodreads Review

Author Bio

Josie Bordeaux spends her days writing romance novels that revolve around friendships, sizzling attraction, and steamy sex scenes. Josie's addiction to iced coffee and strawberry Twizzlers keep the stories flowing and gives her the energy she needs to run her kids to all their after-school activities and burn the occasional dinner she attempts to cook. She enjoys spending time down at the beach with her family. 

Connect with Josie on Facebook or Twitter!

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