
Saturday, May 1, 2021

RELEASE BLITZ: Pierced Peony by Dahlia Donovan

Title: Pierced Peony
Series: Motts Cold Case Mystery, #2
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Release Date: May 1, 2021
Cover Designer: BookSmith Design
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On a casual walk along the Cornish Coast, Pineapple “Motts” Mottley stumbles upon a body and a perilous new murder case in the second novel in the Motts Cold Case Mystery series. 

As spring rolls into summer, Motts settles into her cottage. She’s enjoying a daily stroll when a body in the sea destroys her peace and quiet. It brings yet another mystery for her to solve. 

How does a woman who vanished from Polperro three years prior wind up battered by waves? 

Motts is drawn into the investigation despite her best attempts. She finds a family in turmoil and loads of suspects. With no easy answers, she tumbles further into chaos and ever closer to danger. 

Can Motts find the killer before she’s the one put on ice? 

Will she survive a bone-chilling brush with death?

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* * * * *

Motts Cold Case Mystery Series

Poisoned Primrose (bk 1)

Dahlia Donovan wrote her first romance series after a crazy dream about shifters and damsels in distress.  Dahlia is an autistic who prefers irreverent humour and unconventional characters.  She has found great happiness with her husband, her tiny dog Bacon, and her collection of books and video games.   

Dahlia has worked over the years as a teacher, insurance adjuster, and even had a brief stint as the pianist in a band–very brief, like three weeks. She uses her experiences as a TCK travelling around the world during the first twenty-years of her life to add spice to her stories. 


Friday, April 30, 2021

SERIES BLITZ: Secret Admirer Series by Alex Jade

Series: Secret Admirer Series
Author: Alex Jade
Genre: Sports Romance


I may have made up a fake profile and slid into his DMs. Okay. Okay. Hear me out before you judge.

Guys like Davis Young, star fullback for the pro football team the Chicago Vandals, like a good chase. So, I simply made a game out of him finding out who I am. No harm done.

Well, maybe a little harm.

I thought he’d never noticed me at work, but turns out I might have been wrong. And before I know it, I’m living a double life with him with no way of getting out.

Now I’m praying it’s not game over.

Behind the Screens is a secret admirer sports romance that gives readers a "short steamy escape" from reality. Alex's books come with a promise of a little sweet, a little steamy and a guaranteed HEA in two hours!


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So, I may or may not have sent a drunk text. And… I may or may not have also sent a racy picture of myself, too. It was supposed to be for fun. Just one problem—I sent it to the wrong number.

It went to Ryker Stone. The MVP quarterback of the Chicago Vandals. Oh, and also my ex-boyfriend.

Soon old feelings resurface and I find myself wanting a second chance. If only he knew it was me on the other side of the number.

Now I’m stuck. I should have known, when it comes to us, it’d come down to one final play.

Behind the Numbers is a secret admirer sports romance that gives readers a "short steamy escape" from reality. Alex's books come with a promise of a little sweet, a little steamy and a guaranteed HEA in less than two hours.


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I regretted it the moment I clicked the send button. In my defense, at the time it seemed like a good idea to send him a secret admirer email. He’s not looking for anyone serious, so it’d be a win-win for both of us.

Plus, no one would blame me, he’s a famous professional football player. The All-Pro Wide Receiver for the Chicago Vandals.

Unfortunately, he’s also the best friend to my sister’s soon to be husband. Yeah… sticky situation.

I wasn’t expecting to be paired up together for the beach wedding festivities. And I definitely wasn’t prepared to get stranded and find out Hudson Cole isn’t just a pretty face.

Behind the Letters is a secret admirer sports romance that gives readers a "short steamy escape" from reality. Alex's books come with a promise of a little sweet, a little steamy and a guaranteed HEA in two hours!


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Hello! I'm Alex Jade. I've written and deleted so many times I'm just going to hammer it out there now. I'm a parent, a spouse and a dog owner. I like my coffee black and cold. Lastly, I started writing short romance stories because let's face it, life is crazy. When you don't have all day to devour a book, you might be able to spare two hours or less. That's where I come in. Find a trope you love in my releases and give me a try! ;)


RELEASE BLITZ: Maverick's Madness by Lorrain Allen

Title: Maverick's Madness
Author: Lorrain Allen
Genre: Contemporary/Dark High School
Bully Romance
Release Date: April 23, 2021


Maverick’s bigot father raised him to be a racist.

The moment he sees me—the biracial new girl—an invisible target is placed on my back.

Before the first day of school, he turns most of the senior class against me.

Maverick thought I would roll over and take his abuse, never anticipating a battle.

He was mistaken.

I will fight until my last breath.

Maverick and his friends can suck it.

When I don't fold under pressure, he comes at me full force, wanting to destroy me.

He never expected to be the one to fold.



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I bang on the door for several minutes before a short woman opens it.
“Hello,” she greets me in a thick accent. “Can I help you?”
“Hi, is Maverick home?” I tap my foot, too agitated to keep still.
“He’s not available.”
I grind my teeth, losing patience fast. “Would you mind checking at least?”
She nervously glances over her shoulder. “He asked not to be disturbed.”
“It’s important,” I grit out. “I need five minutes, tops.”
“I’m sorry,” she says regretfully. “Come back later.”
“I’m not going anywhere until I talk to Maverick.”
I force my way into the foyer and dash up the stairs. The woman follows behind me, begging me to stop. I barge into the first bedroom, no Maverick. Second one, still no sign of my nemesis. The third, and bingo. I find the devil incarnate lying in bed.
The woman latches on to my arm. “Por favor, you must go,” she says breathlessly, trying to pull me out of the room.
“It’s fine, Maria,” Maverick says, rubbing his drowsy eyes. “You can go.”
The door closes with a definitive click. Now that I’m here, my mind is drawing a blank. Maverick swings his legs over the side of the bed. The sheet falls to his waist, exposing his smooth muscular chest. Thick veins bulge along his ripped arms, and those abs must be made of steel. Sleep-ruffled hair triples his appeal. He’s sexiness personified.
Focus, Cocoa!
So what, he has a hot body… he’s still a miscreant.
“Why didn’t you come to school?”
“No reason.” He shrugs.
“You selfish prick,” I snarl, outrage unfurling in my belly. “Mr. Barnes gave us until tomorrow to do our presentation, so—”
“You’re either brave or incredibly stupid to come here.”
My anger clouded my common sense. I’m in his bedroom, for God’s sake, and I highly doubt Maria will come to my rescue if I call out for help. I’m at his mercy.
“I’m not afraid of you,” I lie through my teeth.
“Yeah, you are,” he states matter-of-factly. “I’m adept at recognizing fear. Right now, you’re in fight-or-flight mode. Stay and I’ll gain the upper hand in seconds. I can do whatever I want to you”—his gaze slowly moves to the juncture of my thighs—“and you’d be powerless to stop me. Yet, running equals weakness, and that’s a shortcoming you’re too stubborn to show, even if it means self-preservation. It’s your downfall.”
He stands, revealing his glorious nudity. I inhale a sharp breath. My gaze zeros in on his defined V-line, then roams lower to his well-endowed cock. It curves to the right, a trait I didn’t notice during our scuffle at school a couple weeks ago. My nether region pulsates, betraying me, as usual.
“Like what you see?” He smirks, amusement in his tone. “You’re welcome to touch it.”
My face heats in embarrassment. “You better be in physics tomorrow at eight sharp.”
I turn, intent on making a dignified exit after being caught gawking at his dangling bits.
Maverick lunges at me and seizes my curly tresses in a painful hold. “Did you really think it’d be that easy?”


Lorrain Allen currently resides on the East Coast. She has one amazing, albeit spoiled, son. She loves to get away from the world by losing herself in a book. Her long-term goal is to pen dark, erotic, paranormal, contemporary, new adult, and young adult romances. The subject matters of her books are controversial, but what’s life without a little controversy?

Thursday, April 29, 2021

COVER REVEAL: The Control by Elena Monroe

Title: The Control
Series: The 4Horsemen #4
Author: Elena Monroe

Genre: Dark Forbidden Love Romance
Cover Design: Maria, Steamy Reads
Release Date: May 4, 2021


My demons will ruin whatever is left of her halo.

I was living on borrowed everything: time, feelings, motives, even these stale breaths.
I was expired in every way.
No saving me.
He should have lived instead.
He deserved to squeeze every drop out of life and rub it in my face the way he always did.
I was stuck here as half of a person and Eve expected me to be whole enough to fix her.
We were too shattered to ever be put back together again.
I was her demon.

I was wasting every second of every day trying to make time move faster.
I was ready to throw away this life as the Princess of Denmark and go back home where Bowen would be waiting for me. There was no stopping me.
I had been promised to Bowen since our births.
I was determined to save myself for him and only him - my life line.
I may be bruised and broken but that only dirtied up my angel wings.
Nothing he couldn’t handle.
I would always be his angel.


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I should have given him the truth. Anything but the silence lurking inside my mouth making me mute.
Just as I pulled the band away from his body his grip crushed my small hands so hard I felt myself wince. “We aren’t doing that here… I don’t need your pity,” his words might as well have been venom.
It was well-deserved, my body screamed: use me to bury the pain and my eyes were glazed over in sympathy.
“Bowen…” I was trying to slice through the immediate anger cocooning him when his grip didn’t let up, holding my hands still too tightly.
He looked down on me like I personally insulted him in less redeemable ways. “It doesn’t matter how damaged you are when you look at me like that. It would have been easier to just sit pretty and be the wife I don’t want. No demons except me. Now there is nothing holding me back from making sure that fake halo is replaced with horns.”
Standing up right instead of looking down at me like a silly girl who couldn’t handle his demons, his fists clenched making the wraps get even more taunt around his hands.
My mouth was still gaping open but no syllables or sounds came out. Not one word while I watched him square up to the bag hanging in its place. “You always wanted to match.”
My eyes stung with tears and I felt myself suck in my bottom lip like it was the key to holding back tears.
Hitting a small remote in his pocket music flooded his home gym, too loud to think or talk anymore.
Bowen’s fist drove into the bag over and over making me flinch every time. I pushed him to be someone to me and didn’t take into account how askewed how my expectations were.
My expectations were soul crushing.
My expectations were selfish.
My expectations disregarded trauma altogether.
I mumbled a quick sorry around my trembling bottom lip hoping that would suffice.
Few steps forward and ten back seemed to be the dance with the devil. He promised to fuck my halo into horns and now I felt overwhelmed by the need to be just as broken as him.



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Elena Monroe grew up in Florida scribbling down stories from a very young age. These stories were really just wavy lines filling the paper, but she knew each word, each emotion, each character's name, and there was no tricking her into forgetting what each line signified. Just like her unconventional way of writing as a toddler Elena is setting her own rules and just telling stories. 

Much like her debut novel, The Best Years, life certainly imitated art. Transplanting from the South to the East Coast, Elena currently lives in Connecticut with husband, reformed bad boy. 

Find her on her social media through Twitter at @elenamonroe, Instagram at @elenamonroewrites, Facebook at @elenamonroewrites, and more


COVER REVEAL: Kit by S.M. West

Title: Kit
Series: Scarred Hearts #2
Author: S.M. West
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Cover Design: Bailey Boutique Covers
Photos: Wander Aguiar
Model: Zack Salaun (Kit)
Model: Andrew Biernat (Prophet)
Release Date: May 27, 2021


She’s too smart, too pretty and too good for a thug like me.
Caro Archer loved me once, then she left me in the wreckage.

Now she’s back with danger on her heels and my heart in her hands.
Her safety should be my top priority.
Only Caro has other plans.
She wants to give us a second chance.

That part of me that aches for more wants to give in.
But I’m the same man she turned her back on all those years ago—the same brute she left in the dust.

What makes her think things will be different this time?
Especially when it’s more than my heart on the line?
Second chances don’t come easy for a man like me.
This time, I might not survive.


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We both push on the metal bar in the middle of the door and it swings out into the icy darkness. The shrill emergency alarm pierces the still night.
“Kit, slow down,” I cry. Danger and the possibility of death claw at my insides, rattle my bones and force all the air from my lungs.
The gravitational force hits me first, punching at my back before the earsplitting blast or searing heat registers. An explosion rocks the ground beneath my feet and I’m lifted from the pavement as if I’m a Lost Boy and can fly.
Fingers intertwined with his, I cling to his hand, desperate not to leave his side, but it’s out of my control.


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S.M. West writes contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and whatever her heart desires. She’s a self-professed junkie of many things and is always planning her next adventure!


RELEASE BLITZ: The Perfect Hero by Anna Bishop Barker

Title: The Perfect Hero
Series: The Themis Series #1
Author: Anna Bishop Barker
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: April 29, 2021


The Perfect Hero – Book 1 of The Themis Series

Hired to follow a trail of blood, bodies, and madness, Logan Pressley and the Themis Group are looking for a killer. Not just a killer—The Slayer.

Logan is not looking for a woman. At 45 years old, he has had enough of humanity, and wants no part of the myth that people call love.

Starting a new life, Maggie Robertson is not looking for a hero. Hell, she’s not even looking for a watered-down version of one. Romance, she has found, is a wasted phenomenon for the young, and the days for being swept off her feet are long past.

Then there was that one-night stand. The night Logan and Maggie lost themselves in each other. In that single night, all the carefully laid rules were broken.


Themis, the Titan goddess of justice. The purveyor of divine law and order.

The men and women of The Themis Group have a singular cause - to bring justice and closure to those who have lost hope.

But while they are united in mission, they all have their reasons for being with a private investigation firm that straddles the converging lines of crime scene science, traditional investigation, and mainstream law enforcement. Some do it for the thrill. Some do it for the satisfaction. Some do it because they are compelled.

But each member of the team is looking for something they will never find in the work they have chosen.




She went back to studying her wine glass. “Well, after Mark was taken, I kind of went off the deep end a little.” She didn’t look at him. This was hard enough without seeing his face while she pushed through. “I became obsessed with protecting him, and part of that was falling down a rabbit hole of internet horror and bad guys.” She didn’t elaborate on how far she had fallen and how hard it had been to crawl out.
“You blamed yourself.” It wasn’t a question.
She met his eyes and the expression in them, the gentleness mixed with something she couldn’t exactly name, made the back of her eyes prickle.
“Yes.” she whispered.
It took a couple of minutes before she could resume, but when she felt she had command of her voice again, she continued. “Sam suggested that I turn what I was going through into something constructive. I was already pretty disillusioned with teaching.” She paused and considered her wording. “No, not disillusioned, exactly. I was burning out, though. And during my trip in the dark, I found I had a fascination with following trails and putting puzzle pieced together.” She grinned slightly and shrugged. “And I always had a girl crush on Clarice Starling.”
She had tried to lighten things with her last sentence. It didn’t work. He looked at some point over her shoulder and repeated her words. His voice was flat.
“Your trip in the dark.” He paused. “I had a trip in the dark.”
“Tell me.”


I was born in Kentucky and raised in Florida, so I am a southerner through and through. Since I was old enough to pick up a book, I have been a voracious reader. I wrote the usual poetry and short stories in high school, and I kept the dream of writing in the back of my heart until opportunity and encouragement helped me to realize that dream.

I live in Tampa with my kids, grandkids, dogs, various other livestock, and way more books than is strictly healthy.

Hot Romance.
Humor & heart.

Grown up stories for grown up people. This is what I write. There's food, music, dogs, the occasional geek reference, and quite possibly an inappropriate joke. There will likely be dead bodies as well.

Three random facts about me:
1. I was bitten by a shark when I was 14.
2. I have read War and Peace. (When I get to the afterlife, I am demanding that week of my life back. Sorry, Tolstoy.)
3. It is my sincere belief that any situation can be improved by eating some cheese.

My live philosophy is this - guard your inner peace and read dirty kissing books.