
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

deepdown release day Release Day Blitz
Book Title: Deep Down (A Sam Stone Novel) Author: Deep Down Genre: Suspense Release Date: July 28, 2015 Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
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Book Blurb
An all-new series with an all-new hero! Sam Stone will take your breath away.
Deep down, six hundred and forty feet underground, danger lurks... Jenny Strafford and her fiance, Stone, are out for a dinner date with friends. It’s supposed to be fun, romantic even, but the setting leaves much to be desired, at least for Jenny. She’s not fond of enclosed spaces, or being underground. What starts out as a fun evening soon turns into a dangerous struggle to survive. In order to protect Jenny, Stone must fall back on his military police training. And even those hard-won skills may not be enough to save the love of his life - and over a hundred other innocent people trapped underground with them.
Ahead, the tunnel funneled into a smaller area where the visitors to the museum were to wait for their turn to board the lift. There was no outlet there. Once they went into that area, the tunnel that they now crept down would be at their backs, and it would be their only avenue of escape, other than going up to the surface in the lift. The gooseflesh upon her arms grew larger and she shivered in dread. She longed to tell Stone to be careful, but the words froze in her throat for fear that anyone guarding the lift would hear her. She looked down at the gun in her hand and double-checked the safety to make sure it was off. She had the nervous urge to pull back the slide and view the bullet in the chamber again, just to make sure that she hadn’t imagined the first time she’d done it. Her hands felt clammy with nerves, so she carefully wiped one and then the other on her jean clad thighs to dry them, palming the gun in the opposite hand as she dried each one. Behind them, an agonized scream erupted from the dining cavern. The raw sound of pain sent an icy blade of dread skittering down Jenny’s back. She glanced back toward the cavern. Stone turned too, and in that moment, their adversaries struck.
Meet the Author
Janean Worth is the author of sixteen books in genres ranging from Children's fiction to Young Adult Sci-Fi to adult Suspense, all of which contain action and adventure. Under the guise of writer, Janean Worth has lived many full and wonderful lives through the characters that she creates. Always an avid reader, and now a prolific writer, Janean strives to write stories that readers can use to escape into another life as well. Ms. Worth also writes non-fiction articles and essays under a penname, having over 50 pieces - both online and in print - currently published. Her story in Cup of Comfort for Friends helped to earn the book a place on the New York Times bestseller list. When she's not writing, illustrating or working with a computer, Ms. Worth dabbles in photography, outdoor recreation and cycling. She also reads piles of books, designs her own book covers and enjoys spending time with her family. Visit her website at to read excerpts, view new releases or just find out more about this busy author.
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