
Friday, October 27, 2017

RELEASE BLITZ: Go to Hail by Lani Lynn Vale

Title: Go To Hail
Series: Hail Raisers #2
Author: Lani Lynn Vale
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release: October 27, 2017
Everybody has problems. But Travis? Yeah, he has so many problems that he finds it hard to breathe sometimes.

He spends five years catering to his ex-wife’s every want and need—all to make it possible to continue to see his child.
He isn’t supposed to fall in love with a woman, but he does.
He isn’t supposed to find someone that is willing to put up with his ex-wife’s crazy antics, but he has.
He isn’t supposed to be happy, but he is.
And all it takes is his ex-wife finding out about his new-found peace for things to change.


Hannah saw him and knew he was the one.

All it took was one look into that haunted man’s eyes, and she was lost, never to be found again.
She thinks she has it all. His love, a new baby made with that love, and a house to raise their blended family.
She’s wrong, and Travis’ ex-wife is out to prove it.
Travis doesn’t deserve Hannah. All he’s done is hurt her.
She’s done everything in her power to keep everyone happy, but the more she tries, the harder his ex-wife pushes. Until one day, there’s nothing left to push.
Hannah leaves, and Allegra wins.
But Travis isn’t willing to let her have her way any longer.
He fights back, and only gets a bullet to the chest to show for it.

iScream Book Blog - “It's so damn #HOT you'll enjoy every page and come back for more.”

Britt Red Hatter Book Blog - “I don't think there are enough words in the English language to express how insanely incredible Go To Hail is.”

Smashly Bookalicious Reviewing Chicks - “For all those girls who have dealt with a crazy ex and their antics, this book is for you.”
In this second book of the Hail Raisers, we find ourselves following Travis. We find out what is
happening with his ex-wife Allegra and his daughter Alex. We also meet Hannah and her daughter
Reggie and their son TJ. We find out what is going on in their lives. We see Hannah go out one night
with her co-worker Wednesday to a bar and then are thankful for her running into and meeting Travis
there. He was out having a relaxing drink with his brothers and the Hail crew and thankfully were
able to help Hannah and Wednesday with their predicament. What was that predicament you ask?
You'll have to read to find out. We learn A LOT about who Allegra is and her hatred towards Hannah
and Travis. We see the terrible things she does. We see a change in Alex. What change is it and what
prompts it? What does Alex want? What causes a change in the relationship between Alex and
Hannah? When Hannah overhears Travis say something to his brother what does she assume  he is
talking about? You're going to have to read to see if this book will have an HEA or not. I'm not telling! 

I’m a married mother of three. My kids are all under 5, so I can assure you that they are a handful. I’ve been with my paramedic husband now for ten years, and we’ve produced three offspring that are nothing like us. I live in the greatest state in the world, Texas.


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