Thursday, April 23, 2015

Releasing April 30th 
Run of the Litter
Jack has always cared about Tori. She’s weak, small, and vulnerable, the runt of the litter. The pack does everything in its power to protect her. However, when Jack screws up and some fun almost kills her, Tori’s sent to live with her uncle to keep her safe.
Now Tori is back and the moment Jack sees her, he knows she’s his mate. What he’s not prepared for is the revelation that she might not make it through her transition into a wolf. He’s got two years if his mate doesn’t make it.
Tori knows the danger she’s in. With the help of her uncle she’s trying to get stronger, to prepare for the time when she will become a wolf. She wants all the help she can get even Jack, the guy who has always been nice to her.
Time is running out and Jack doesn’t see an answer. If his mate dies, he will die with her. There is a chance, a slim chance of her surviving but it means he has to break one of the pack’s most sacred laws. He’s willing to risk anything for his mate.
What will happen when the pack discovers the truth? Will Tori forgive him? Will she accept him as her mate? Or will it all be for nothing?

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