Thursday, June 27, 2019

RELEASE BLITZ: One Little Lie by Whitney Barbetti

New Release: One Little Lie by Whitney Barbetti

One Little Lie by Whitney Barbetti

Genre: New Adult

Designer: Najla Qamber Designs


Adam Oliver hated me. Loathed my very existence. He had every right to, but that didn’t make my life any easier the afternoon I had to rescue him on the side of the road. But worse than rescuing a guy who hated me to his core was the lie I told my parents. Because I’d just told them that my long-term boyfriend was finally back in town. My long-term boyfriend who didn’t actually exist. The one named Adam Oliver—the guy I’d crushed on all through high school. So the real Adam had no idea that he and I were engaged in a years-long, committed, serious relationship. And, somehow, some way, I needed to convince him to play along with my one little lie.

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